Huffington Post: This Treat-Tossing Dog Camera Lets You Send Snacks To Your Pup From Afar
May 17, 2016

Source: Huffington Post

Dog owners who work long hours know how sad it feels to imagine their pups sitting alone at home. But imagine no longer, people, because this treat-popping dog camera will keep you and your pup connected, no matter where you roam. 

The Furbo is a basically a baby monitor for dogs that lets you see what your pup is doing at all times. The best part, though, is that you can toss him a treat with just the push of a button:

A command on the Furbo app remotely unleashes a treat, which will spit out of the machine at home and entertain your dog for endless hours. 


The Furbo also comes with 2-way voice technology: You get a push notification when your pup starts barking, and you can loop in your voice and chat to him until he calms down.

There’s also night vision, in case you want to witness the raging parties your dog throws during your late nights at work.

It’s paw-sitively wonderful!

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